Ulysses and Circe

Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe


Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe

Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe - BOX
Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe - Box

On their long odyssey from Troy back to Ithaca, Odysseus and his companions also reached the island of Aiaia. There they meet the sorceress Kirke. Kirke kindly invited Odysseus' companions to her house and offered them something to eat. But as soon as the men were intoxicated by the magic herbs in the food, they all turned into pigs. Ulysses quickly rushed to the aid of his friends. Thanks to an antidote he had received from the messenger of the gods, Hermes, he was able to resist Kirke's spell and get them to give his companions their human form back. The play set includes two PLAYMOBIL characters Odysseus and Kirke, two pigs, a raft with a sail, a barrel and many other extras to re-enact Odysseus' exciting adventures.

Building instructions

Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (1) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (2) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (3) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (4) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (5) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (6) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (7) Building instructions Playmobil 70468 - Ulysses and Circe (8)


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